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Male infertility is just as devastating for the couple as female infertility.


Usually there are no signs or symptoms that identify male infertility for the individual man.  However if pregnancy has not occurred after approximately 12 months of trying to conceive, it is recommended both partners undergo testing.  Male infertility makes up approximately 30% of infertile couples.  Fortunately today there are many tests and treatments available to assist increase male fertility.


Typically the tests that may be suggested for the Dad-to-be may include:


  • donate a sample of sperm/semen for analysis
  • undergo a physical examination
  • have hormonal function evaluated
  • partake in genetic testing
  • have a testicular biopsy


Some of the causes of male infertility may include:


  •  sperm production problems 
  •  blockage of sperm transport
  •  sperm antibodies
  •  hormonal problems
  •  anabolic steroid abuse


There are several medical procedures that may increase a man’s fertility such as:


  • surgery to correct and clear blockages
  • reconnect tubes if a vasectomy has been performed
  • undergo Assisted Reproductive Techniques (ARTs)


My program is available to help you emotionally and physically while undergoing tests and treatment to improve your fertility.  From an emotional concept I can assist you feel calm and confident during this difficult time. To reduce any sub-conscious concerns you may have regarding becoming a parent. From a physical perspective I can assist you improve your general health, reduce drug and alcohol abuse, improve your sleep patterns and possibly increase your fertility.