Phone Pam now

for a complimentary chat.

Phone: (02) 9634 6262

Mobile:  0409 772 015



A high risk pregnancy increases the pressure physically, emotionally, mentallyand financially, the extra impact can be extremely exhausting. You may be required to consult your doctor more frequently, take medication, have bed-rest at home, or perhaps be confined to hospital for some time.


I have many years of experience assisting clients who have experienced a high risk pregnancy to:

     ✓ Remain positively focused on a day to day basis     ✓ Practice relaxation techniques     ✓ Strengthen the mind and body connection     ✓ Be open minded and consider medical recommendations made        by your  doctor and medical team     ✓ Keep blood pressure at a healthy level     ✓ Incorporate suitable activities that help pass the time in a        positive and  entertaining manner     ✓ Look to the future in a calm and realistic manner.